Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2014

Mockingjay teaser trailer


Can't wait! This is going to be SO awesome!

Sonntag, 22. Juni 2014

Sierra DeMulder // "The Unrequited Love Poem" (Poetry Observed)

Proof some infinities are bigger than other infinities

The proof that some infinities are bigger than other infinities.

I have to admit, she lost me around 7:30; but the ending is so beautiful <3

The little things that make a series great

I'm watching 'The Mentalist' S6E19 right now. There is a very dramatic and touching scene at the beginning, where a woman dies dramatically while Jane is trying to save her and sooth her. It's a very quiet and painful scene, you hardly can breath...
and then the intro of the series starts, but without the loud music that's normally playing. Just the pictures, without any sound.
And I'm so greatful for whoever made this decision, because it feels so right...

Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2014


50 Questions: 1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?

I often think about this, at least everytime when someone is really surprised when they first learn how old I am. I don't look my age. And I certainly don't 'act' my age.

Most of the time I don't feel any different than 10 years ago, when I was 21. Hell, most of the time I don't feel any different from me when I was 18.

When I think about the fact that my mother was the age I'm now when I was 7 years old, I'm really stunned, because she seemed so grown up and serious to me, she was an adult and I NEVER ever feel like I'm an adult.
I feel as lost and alone and damaged as I felt being 18, and I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong, or if in reality EVERYBODY feels this way and just doesn't show it. Maybe what differs 'adults' from 'non adults' is the ability to hide this uncertainty better than others, to fake confidence and maturity and act like you have figuered out life and everything.

To answer the question, if I didn't know how old I am, maybe I would guess I were around 18 to 20 years old..... (and there's a good chance I will feel like this until I'm 90...)

50 Questions Project

I wanna try something new... I'm getting bad again more and more every day and I need to do something for my mind to wrap around.

So I try to answer 50 questions to free your mind. Magybe not every day, maybe more than one in one day, and maybe I wont go through with it. But I gotta try...

I don't even know if anybody reads this (besides the lovely Penny :-*), but shouting into the void is better than going down silently...

Freitag, 13. Juni 2014

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - Amazing Fanart

Watch the Videos...

Then read this amazing fanart (it's not long, just a little comic),

Then watch the videos again.

I have to say this is the best fanart I have ever seen in my life. It's creative and beautifull and scary and it helps so much to understand the videos an see them through different eyes. Amazing. Stunningly and hauntingly beautiful.

Montag, 2. Juni 2014


Ich wünschte, mein Herz wäre betroffen und spuckte dich aus. Auf kalte Kacheln. Irgendjemand käme mit einem Eimer und einem Tuch, um dich aufzuwischen und schließlich den Inhalt des Eimers in die Kloschüssel zu kippen, alles herunterzuspülen.
[...] Dieser Brechreiz. Ich wünschte, das Leben wäre infiziert und erbräche mich, damit ich aus dem Magen kann, der mich zu verdauen versucht. Ich möchte, dass du mich ausspuckst und mich jemand findet, abtrocknet, und zum Glänzen bringt. Vielleicht im Winter. Oder bei Regen."

von: - anschauen/lesen! es lohnt sich!