Random stuff about books, movies, fandoms, humanism, feminism and a lot of other things...
Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2014
Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2014
Montag, 15. Dezember 2014
Buch-Review "The Slow Regard Of Silent Things" von Patrick Rothfuss
Buch-Review: "The Slow Regard Of Silent Things" von Patrick Rothfuss
Dieses kleine feine Büchlein, eine Art 'Spin-Off' zu 'The Name Of The Wind' (eine Buchserie die ich absolut liebe!) hat mich restlos begeistert!
Allerdings ist sie glaube ich nicht jedem zu empfehlen....
Aber bevor ich jetzt hier etwas vor mich hinstümpere, benutze ich lieber einfach die Sätze des Autoren selbst aus dem Vor- und Nachwort, um das Buch zu beschreiben:
Allerdings ist sie glaube ich nicht jedem zu empfehlen....
Aber bevor ich jetzt hier etwas vor mich hinstümpere, benutze ich lieber einfach die Sätze des Autoren selbst aus dem Vor- und Nachwort, um das Buch zu beschreiben:
"You might not want to buy this book. [...] I think it's only fair to warn you that this is a bit of a strange story."
"It doesn't do the things a story is supposed to do. A story should have dialogue, action, conflict. A story should have more than one character. I've written a thirty-thousand-word vignette! [...] I spend eight pages describing someone making soap. [...] That's something a crazy person does! People are going to read this and be pissed... [...]
"Let those other people have their normal stories. This story isn't for them. This is my story. This story is for people like me." (Antwort von Videobloggerin Vi Hart dazu)
"I cannot help but wonder how many of us walk through our lives, day after day, feeling slightly broken and alone, surrounded all the time by others who fell exactly the same. [...]This story is for all the slightly broken people out there. I am one of you. You are not alone. You are all beautiful to me..."
"It doesn't do the things a story is supposed to do. A story should have dialogue, action, conflict. A story should have more than one character. I've written a thirty-thousand-word vignette! [...] I spend eight pages describing someone making soap. [...] That's something a crazy person does! People are going to read this and be pissed... [...]
"Let those other people have their normal stories. This story isn't for them. This is my story. This story is for people like me." (Antwort von Videobloggerin Vi Hart dazu)
"I cannot help but wonder how many of us walk through our lives, day after day, feeling slightly broken and alone, surrounded all the time by others who fell exactly the same. [...]This story is for all the slightly broken people out there. I am one of you. You are not alone. You are all beautiful to me..."
(ja, zum heulen hat er mich auch gebracht... und das kurz vor dem Ende, mit einem einzigen Halbsatz......)
(ja, zum heulen hat er mich auch gebracht... und das kurz vor dem Ende, mit einem einzigen Halbsatz......)
Freitag, 28. November 2014
Taylor Swift - Shake It Off
If you watch this video and you're not feeling a little bit happy (and SO in love with this amazing woman), then I'm so sorry for you...
Dienstag, 11. November 2014
Samstag, 8. November 2014
"Open me up and you will see
I'm a gallery of broken hearts
I'm beyond repair, let me be
And give me back my broken parts..."
~Ingrid Michaelson~
~Ingrid Michaelson~
Sonntag, 2. November 2014
Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2014
Samstag, 18. Oktober 2014
Montag, 6. Oktober 2014
Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2014
Freitag, 3. Oktober 2014
Dienstag, 30. September 2014
Sonntag, 28. September 2014
Dienstag, 23. September 2014
Dienstag, 16. September 2014
Montag, 15. September 2014
Philip Sandifer: Writer: Guest Post: Steven Moffat - A Case For The Prosecu...
Philip Sandifer: Writer: Guest Post: Steven Moffat - A Case For The Prosecu...: Personally, as I've said, I quite like the Moffat era. I dare say I love it. But I recognize that this is a controversial opinion, and ...
A great article! It sums up so much that bothers me with Moffats Who.
""On the subject of sexism… I have a quite simplistic view of this. I think the reason that lots of people think Steven Moffat’s version of Doctor Who is sexist is because it repeatedly acts and sounds sexist. "
A great article! It sums up so much that bothers me with Moffats Who.
""On the subject of sexism… I have a quite simplistic view of this. I think the reason that lots of people think Steven Moffat’s version of Doctor Who is sexist is because it repeatedly acts and sounds sexist. "
Sonntag, 14. September 2014
Jetpacks and Certain Death with Randall Munroe
Two of my 'idols' in one video... so much awesome!
(although poor Randall looks very uncomfortable in front of the camera...)
(although poor Randall looks very uncomfortable in front of the camera...)
Mittwoch, 10. September 2014
"With such a hell in your heart and your head, how can you live? How can you love?"
How? ... and how long?
How? ... and how long?
Dienstag, 9. September 2014
Samstag, 30. August 2014
Donnerstag, 28. August 2014
Dienstag, 26. August 2014
SneakPreview: "Erlöse uns von den Bösen"
Sneakfilm der Woche: "Wer braucht schon Schlaf, ich kauere hier mit meinem selbstgebastelten Kreuz in meiner hell erleuchteten Schlafzimmerecke bis es draußen wieder hell wird." ... oh, ne, moment, das ist eine Beschreibung meines derzeitigen Zustandes. Der Film hieß "Erlöse uns von dem Bösen" Der Plot ist schnell erzählt: ein kaputter Polizist und ein kaputter Priester müssen Dämonen, die Menschen befallen haben und zu bösen Taten treiben, besiegen.
Das einzige was meine Rest-Sanity etwas gerettet hat, war, dass mir alle fünf Minuten wieder auffiel, dass einer der Hauptdarsteller aussieht wie Daniel Schulz (echt jetzt!)
Der Film an sich war eigentlich wirklich gut, netter Plot, wirklich wirklich gute Schauspieler, und würde von mir eine 7,5 kriegen.... wären da nicht die Unmengen von bösen Jumpscares (je nachdem wen man fragt, waren es zwischen ca. 3-4 [Ulfs Meinung] und 15-20 [Ankes und meine Meinung} ), die leider auch noch eigentlich total unnötig waren, da der Film auch ohne sie extrem spannend gewesen wäre. Für mich persönlich sorgt das allerdings dafür, dass ich mir diesen Film wohl nie wieder ansehen werde und ich ziehe deswegen 2,5 Punkte ab. Das bedeutet dann eine Endwertung von 5 Jumping Jacks.
Wer gute Exorzistenfilme mit vielen Schreckeffekten mag, ist hier echt gut unterhalten. Wer eher schreckhaft ist, sollte sich diesen Film nicht im Kino ansehen.
Das einzige was meine Rest-Sanity etwas gerettet hat, war, dass mir alle fünf Minuten wieder auffiel, dass einer der Hauptdarsteller aussieht wie Daniel Schulz (echt jetzt!)
Der Film an sich war eigentlich wirklich gut, netter Plot, wirklich wirklich gute Schauspieler, und würde von mir eine 7,5 kriegen.... wären da nicht die Unmengen von bösen Jumpscares (je nachdem wen man fragt, waren es zwischen ca. 3-4 [Ulfs Meinung] und 15-20 [Ankes und meine Meinung} ), die leider auch noch eigentlich total unnötig waren, da der Film auch ohne sie extrem spannend gewesen wäre. Für mich persönlich sorgt das allerdings dafür, dass ich mir diesen Film wohl nie wieder ansehen werde und ich ziehe deswegen 2,5 Punkte ab. Das bedeutet dann eine Endwertung von 5 Jumping Jacks.
Wer gute Exorzistenfilme mit vielen Schreckeffekten mag, ist hier echt gut unterhalten. Wer eher schreckhaft ist, sollte sich diesen Film nicht im Kino ansehen.
Montag, 18. August 2014
Today is a really bad day... I stayed at home from work with a 'headache'... but I jut felt so empty and numb and dead. How do you explain something like this to somebody?! So you just lie. ...
I can't even cry. Sometimes this is the worst. No great breakdown, no tears, no big feelings. I'm just lying there, staring at the tv screen without really seeing anything. Just this numbness inside me and everywhere around me, like I'm stuck in a big grey cottonball and nothing reaches me anymore, and it feels like the world will be grey forever and ever, and I'm not even afraid of it, because there is nothing left inside me to be afraid. Just grey hollow nothingness in me.
I know this doesn't make sense to anyone. maybe it won't even make sense to me tomorrow. but today it's all that is left...
I can't even cry. Sometimes this is the worst. No great breakdown, no tears, no big feelings. I'm just lying there, staring at the tv screen without really seeing anything. Just this numbness inside me and everywhere around me, like I'm stuck in a big grey cottonball and nothing reaches me anymore, and it feels like the world will be grey forever and ever, and I'm not even afraid of it, because there is nothing left inside me to be afraid. Just grey hollow nothingness in me.
I know this doesn't make sense to anyone. maybe it won't even make sense to me tomorrow. but today it's all that is left...
Sonntag, 17. August 2014
Samstag, 16. August 2014
Donnerstag, 14. August 2014
What the f**** is happening in Ferguson?!
USA, are you alright?! Did you timetravel back in history and the civil rights movement in the 50ies and 60ies never happened?!
It's really haunting what is happening over there... USA plays world police, but can't handle the own police officers at home :-/
A very good summary of the recent events in Ferguson can be found here.
It's really haunting what is happening over there... USA plays world police, but can't handle the own police officers at home :-/
A very good summary of the recent events in Ferguson can be found here.
Mittwoch, 13. August 2014
About anxiety disorder...
If you know someone with anxiety (and if you're reading this on MY blog, the probability that you know someone is pretty high... you could say 100%. ), please read this! It's so good and well written and explains so much...
Sonntag, 10. August 2014
Donnerstag, 7. August 2014
Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014
Supernatural and female representation
This article sums it up pretty good: Why fans are upset about the supernatural nerd HQ
The answer 'We don't need more woman in Supernatural because we don't need romance' exactly proves a point I tried to make in an argument a few weeks ago.
We need more women in tv shows, movies, etc., because whenever there's a female character, you know exactly there's a reason why she is there. And the reason is almost ALWAYS in connection with her gender. Most of the times the reason is one of the following things: a. she's a love interest. b. she's a motherly figure to the male character, or c. she gets fridged to motivate the male character.
(Charlie is an exception to this rule and I really love supernatural for this character )
I want to see more woman in tvshows, just because they're fucking human beings who make up 50% of the population and have lifes and jobs! Where are the female police officers, the doctors, hunters, etc.? If it doesn't matter at all which gender a character is, why is he most of the times male? Doesn't make sense to me at all...
The answer 'We don't need more woman in Supernatural because we don't need romance' exactly proves a point I tried to make in an argument a few weeks ago.
We need more women in tv shows, movies, etc., because whenever there's a female character, you know exactly there's a reason why she is there. And the reason is almost ALWAYS in connection with her gender. Most of the times the reason is one of the following things: a. she's a love interest. b. she's a motherly figure to the male character, or c. she gets fridged to motivate the male character.
(Charlie is an exception to this rule and I really love supernatural for this character )
I want to see more woman in tvshows, just because they're fucking human beings who make up 50% of the population and have lifes and jobs! Where are the female police officers, the doctors, hunters, etc.? If it doesn't matter at all which gender a character is, why is he most of the times male? Doesn't make sense to me at all...
Sonntag, 27. Juli 2014
Carpe Diem: Who is it that has made you feel as though you hav...
"Why do I feel the need to continually apologise for everything I do? If this is the case, and this is how I feel, am I essentially apologising for breathing the air I breathe and taking up the space that I do in this world?"
It feels so good when someone else puts your feelings in words much better than you yourself could ever do...
Carpe Diem: Who is it that has made you feel as though you hav...: Yesterday I worked for 10 hours. That is a fact and it isn't something I'm complaining about, it's a statement. I think that som...
Carl Espen - Silent Storm (Norway) 2014 Eurovision Song Contest
Should feel whole
But the void
A silent storm
I'm here to us my heart and my hands
Somhow the bruises changed my plans
And there's a silent storm inside me
Looking for a home
I hope that somone's gonna find me
And say that I belong
I'll wait forever and a lifetime
To find I'm not alone
There's a silent storm inside meh
One day I'll be calm....
Samstag, 26. Juli 2014
Samstag, 5. Juli 2014
"I'm still depressed, but how depressed I am varies, which is good. Much of the time, it's a comfortable numbness that just makes things feel muted.
Other times, I'm standing in the shower or something and I can feel the nothingness hurtling toward me at eigth thousand miles per hour and there's nothing I can really do aside from let it happen and wait until it goes away again."
- Allie Brosh, Hyperbole and a Half
Other times, I'm standing in the shower or something and I can feel the nothingness hurtling toward me at eigth thousand miles per hour and there's nothing I can really do aside from let it happen and wait until it goes away again."
- Allie Brosh, Hyperbole and a Half
Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2014
Mockingjay teaser trailer
Can't wait! This is going to be SO awesome!
Sonntag, 22. Juni 2014
Proof some infinities are bigger than other infinities
The proof that some infinities are bigger than other infinities.
I have to admit, she lost me around 7:30; but the ending is so beautiful <3
The little things that make a series great
I'm watching 'The Mentalist' S6E19 right now. There is a very dramatic and touching scene at the beginning, where a woman dies dramatically while Jane is trying to save her and sooth her. It's a very quiet and painful scene, you hardly can breath...
and then the intro of the series starts, but without the loud music that's normally playing. Just the pictures, without any sound.
And I'm so greatful for whoever made this decision, because it feels so right...
and then the intro of the series starts, but without the loud music that's normally playing. Just the pictures, without any sound.
And I'm so greatful for whoever made this decision, because it feels so right...
Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2014
50 Questions: 1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?
I often think about this, at least everytime when someone is really surprised when they first learn how old I am. I don't look my age. And I certainly don't 'act' my age.
Most of the time I don't feel any different than 10 years ago, when I was 21. Hell, most of the time I don't feel any different from me when I was 18.
When I think about the fact that my mother was the age I'm now when I was 7 years old, I'm really stunned, because she seemed so grown up and serious to me, she was an adult and I NEVER ever feel like I'm an adult.
I feel as lost and alone and damaged as I felt being 18, and I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong, or if in reality EVERYBODY feels this way and just doesn't show it. Maybe what differs 'adults' from 'non adults' is the ability to hide this uncertainty better than others, to fake confidence and maturity and act like you have figuered out life and everything.
To answer the question, if I didn't know how old I am, maybe I would guess I were around 18 to 20 years old..... (and there's a good chance I will feel like this until I'm 90...)
50 Questions Project
I wanna try something new... I'm getting bad again more and more every day and I need to do something for my mind to wrap around.
So I try to answer 50 questions to free your mind. Magybe not every day, maybe more than one in one day, and maybe I wont go through with it. But I gotta try...
I don't even know if anybody reads this (besides the lovely Penny :-*), but shouting into the void is better than going down silently...
So I try to answer 50 questions to free your mind. Magybe not every day, maybe more than one in one day, and maybe I wont go through with it. But I gotta try...
I don't even know if anybody reads this (besides the lovely Penny :-*), but shouting into the void is better than going down silently...
Freitag, 13. Juni 2014
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - Amazing Fanart
Watch the Videos...
Then read this amazing fanart (it's not long, just a little comic),
Then watch the videos again.
I have to say this is the best fanart I have ever seen in my life. It's creative and beautifull and scary and it helps so much to understand the videos an see them through different eyes. Amazing. Stunningly and hauntingly beautiful.
Montag, 2. Juni 2014
Ich wünschte, mein Herz wäre betroffen und spuckte dich aus. Auf kalte Kacheln. Irgendjemand käme mit einem Eimer und einem Tuch, um dich aufzuwischen und schließlich den Inhalt des Eimers in die Kloschüssel zu kippen, alles herunterzuspülen.
[...] Dieser Brechreiz. Ich wünschte, das Leben wäre infiziert und erbräche mich, damit ich aus dem Magen kann, der mich zu verdauen versucht. Ich möchte, dass du mich ausspuckst und mich jemand findet, abtrocknet, und zum Glänzen bringt. Vielleicht im Winter. Oder bei Regen."
von: http://www.schriftstehler.de/ - anschauen/lesen! es lohnt sich!
Ich wünschte, mein Herz wäre betroffen und spuckte dich aus. Auf kalte Kacheln. Irgendjemand käme mit einem Eimer und einem Tuch, um dich aufzuwischen und schließlich den Inhalt des Eimers in die Kloschüssel zu kippen, alles herunterzuspülen.
[...] Dieser Brechreiz. Ich wünschte, das Leben wäre infiziert und erbräche mich, damit ich aus dem Magen kann, der mich zu verdauen versucht. Ich möchte, dass du mich ausspuckst und mich jemand findet, abtrocknet, und zum Glänzen bringt. Vielleicht im Winter. Oder bei Regen."
von: http://www.schriftstehler.de/ - anschauen/lesen! es lohnt sich!
Montag, 26. Mai 2014
Doctor Who Parody by The Hillywood Show®
This is all I ever wanted in my life... mega-nerdgasm! A Doctor Who and Rocky Horror Picture Show mixup... brilliant!
Samstag, 17. Mai 2014
Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014
Media Representation Matters!
No, not a movie with one great female captain, or one computer genius, one great supporting character, or one awesome pilot, or one leader on a council, or one love interest who gets to be awesome.
Not one or two female characters.
Female dominated.
I want a sci-fi movie where most of the background extras are women.
I want a sci-fi movie where, with absolutely no explanation other than the sheer force of how damn capable and badass and interesting and fantastic they all are, most of main characters are women.
Where more than 50%… Heck, 85% of the main cast is female.
Where the relationships of women drive the narrative, where women talk to each other and work with each other and fight each other and maybe even love each other, but they are affectedby each other’s lives and they matter to each other and as characters in their own right.
I want women who are scientists and pilots and heads of government and mothers to daughters and sisters and doctors and soldiers and every other role you can think of, and they are given interesting motivations and backstories and agency.
I want a movie where no women are dressed in skimpy clothing unless that is their choice and they are completely comfortable with the situation, and the situation serves the narrative in some meaningful way.
I want a movie where there are only two (three, tops) male characters who are given full names.
I mean, sure, we could fit in a few more guys.
Maybe a few background extras, maybe someone who is only referred to as ‘brother’ or ‘father’ or ‘son’ or something, and gets fridged, or a character who runs in, gives a piece of exposition, and then is never heard from again.
I want the men to wind up in a difficult situation and be force to rely on the women to rescue them.
I want very little or no time to be spent developing the backstory of the male characters, except if there is a situation where they can relate better to the female characters by bravely revealing deep emotional pain from their past in order to encourage the character development of the female character
I want the ‘main’ male characters to not ever speak with each other during the duration of the film, and at least one of them be defined primarily in their role as a love interest to a female character.
I want a movie like this, because I am just so very sick to death of it being the other way around."
Source: Dubious Cultural Artifact
Dienstag, 13. Mai 2014
Sneakfilm der Woche: Words & Pictures
Sneakfilm der Woche: 'Words & Pictures', ein Liebesmelodram um einen Literaturlehrer (Clive Owen) und eine Kunstlehrerin (Juliette Binoche), beide ehemals erfolgreiche, nun strauchelnde Künstler, die an ihrer Schule einen 'Krieg' zwischen Worten und Bildern beginnen und austragen.
Ein netter Film mit guten Schauspielern, nur die Synchro ist leider ziemlich holprig, was vor allem in den vielen sehr emotionsgeladenen Szenen des Films stark auffällt. (Und das sag nicht nur ich Synchronazi, sondern auch Leute normalerweise Synchros schauen.)
Es hagelt schöne Zitate großartiger Menschen und gibt einige schöne Bilder zu betrachten.
Alles in allem ein netterFilm der die zwei Stunden Lebenszeit durchaus wert ist, aber auch nichts was man unbedingt gesehen haben muss.
Von mir gibt es 7/10 Wodkaflaschen (vermutlich in OV noch 0,5 Punkte mehr)
Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2014
Conchita Wurst - Rise Like A Phoenix (Austria) 2014 Eurovision Song Contest
The first Austrian song for the Song contest in my lifetime that I like... no, that I love! The song and voice are awesome, and I love her look! (And his too. read more )
Montag, 28. April 2014
Sneakfilm der Woche: Enemy
Sneakfilm heute: 'Enemy' (wenn er überhaupt so heißt, keine Ahnung... mir auch egal ;) ) (Nachtrag: aha, laut Trailer ist das tatsächlich der Name...)
Es gibt Filme, in denen passiert nichts, und sie sind trotzdem gut, zB. Only Lovers Left Alive.
Es gibt Filme, die sind von vorne bis hinten voller WTF?!-Momente, und sie sind trotzdem gut, zB. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Es gibt Filme, da versteht man das ganze Ausmaß der Handlung und Anspielungen erst, wenn man den Schluß gesehen und sich dann den Film noch 2-7 mal angeschaut hat, was man auch gerne tut, weil sie trotzdem gut sind, zB. Memento, Matrix (1), The Prestige und viele viele mehr.
Und dann gibt es 'Enemy'... in dem passiert nichts, ist von vorne bis hinten ein einziger WTF?!-Moment, und er ergibt auch nachdem man den Schluß gesehen hat, üüüberhaupt keinen Sinn, Unsinn oder sonst irgendwas...
Punktewertung fällt mir heute wirklich wirklich schwer, weil er handwerklich an sich nicht schlecht gemacht ist, aber da jemand entweder auf ganz ganz seltsamen Drogen war, oder die Übersetzung von Buch zu Film so üüüüberhaupt nicht geklappt hat.....
Von mir gibts 2/10 Pfuibähekelriesenspinnen, den schau ich mir sicher nicht nochmal an...
Sonntag, 20. April 2014
Phoebe in Wonderland
A truly remarkable movie. It's honest and brutal in it's honesty sometimes, and beautiful at the same time.
And I love that they accepted that it's an illness at some point, none of this 'If we only love her enough it will go away; If she believes in herself it will go away; etc.pp.'.
Mental illnesses are not a joke, they're not 'just lonelyness', they won't go away from a hug or a kiss... just like you can't heal diabetes or a broken leg with a hug and a kiss...
Samstag, 19. April 2014
Welcome to my world....
Yep, that's kinda like my thoughts in most social situations.....
(I'm sorry I don't know the source...)
Dienstag, 15. April 2014
Those days....
"And I get lost kind of easily and sometimes I have really bad days when, you know,
I just want to hide or scream or bleed or something, and... all that..."
Neil Gaiman - Sandman
Samstag, 12. April 2014
Mutz - Out In The Rain
Saw a beautiful accoustic concert tonight, and amazing how the artist could be drunk until he could stand straight, but still playing guitar beautifully and without any errors ;)
Montag, 7. April 2014
"You can cry for mercy all you want, but nobody's listening... It's just you, screaming into a void..."
Mittwoch, 26. März 2014
Dienstag, 11. März 2014
Daughter - Youth (The Wild Youth EP)
And if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones.
'Cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs.
Setting fire to our insides for fun
collecting names of the lovers that went wrong
the lovers that went wrong.
'Cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs.
Setting fire to our insides for fun
collecting names of the lovers that went wrong
the lovers that went wrong.
Sonntag, 9. März 2014
Samstag, 8. März 2014
Defying Gravity
Something has changed within me, something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing, too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap!
It's time to try defying gravity
I think I'll try defying gravity
And you can't pull me down!
I'm through accepting limits
'cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I'll never know!
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost!
I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
And you can't pull me down!
'cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I'll never know!
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost!
I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
And you can't pull me down!
I, Frankenstein - Review
"I, Frankenstein": Direkt nach dem Ende von Mary Shelleys 'Frankenstein' einsetzend, erzählt der Film die Geschichte von 'Frankensteins Monster', Adam, der unversehens in einen seit Jahrhunderten andauernden Krieg zwischen Gut und Böse, zwischen Gargylen und Dämonen verwickelt wird.
Ich hatte wenig erwartet und bin extremst angenehm überrascht worden. Der Film ist bildgewaltig, die Geschichte interessant, die Actionszenen und Kämpfe gut gemacht, der Soundtrack klasse und ich mag wie die Gargylen dargestellt sind (ich mag besonders die 'Übergangsszenen' von Gargyle zu Humanuider Form, sehr stylisch <3).
(Es spricht Bände, dass das einzige das mich 'gestört' hat, eine dramatische Szene mit sehr ohrgängiem Rhythmus war, in der er nicht im Takt zum Rhythmus lief *ggg*)
Man könnte auch sagen, dieser Film ist alles was ich mir damals von 'Van Helsing' so sehr erhofft hatte (wie bitterlich wurde ich enttäuscht...).
Von mir gibts 7,5/10 Zitteraalen für "I, Frankenstein"
(Bechdeltest: 1/3; es gibt drei Frauen mit Namen (die einzigen drei Frauen im kompletten Film), sie sprechen kein einziges Mal miteinander)
Ich hatte wenig erwartet und bin extremst angenehm überrascht worden. Der Film ist bildgewaltig, die Geschichte interessant, die Actionszenen und Kämpfe gut gemacht, der Soundtrack klasse und ich mag wie die Gargylen dargestellt sind (ich mag besonders die 'Übergangsszenen' von Gargyle zu Humanuider Form, sehr stylisch <3).
(Es spricht Bände, dass das einzige das mich 'gestört' hat, eine dramatische Szene mit sehr ohrgängiem Rhythmus war, in der er nicht im Takt zum Rhythmus lief *ggg*)
Man könnte auch sagen, dieser Film ist alles was ich mir damals von 'Van Helsing' so sehr erhofft hatte (wie bitterlich wurde ich enttäuscht...).
Von mir gibts 7,5/10 Zitteraalen für "I, Frankenstein"
(Bechdeltest: 1/3; es gibt drei Frauen mit Namen (die einzigen drei Frauen im kompletten Film), sie sprechen kein einziges Mal miteinander)
Freitag, 7. März 2014
Drunken Nerd Stuff ;)
Angry VanGogh rinding Softkitty riding a giant tentacle being followed by a purple tentacle rat.
Any questions?
I can see it coming from the edge of the room
Creeping in the streetlight
Holding my hand in the pale gloom
Can you see it coming now?
~Florence and the machine - Breaking down~
~Florence and the machine - Breaking down~
Mittwoch, 5. März 2014
Dienstag, 4. März 2014
Sarah Kay - For My Daughter (Awesome Spoken Word)
"Always apologize when you've done something wrong, but don't you ever apologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop shining..."
I love this so much <3
Montag, 3. März 2014
Sneakfilm der Woche: 'Non-Stop'
Sneakfilm der Woche: 'Non-Stop' ein Fliegerentführungsfilm mit Liam Neeson und Julianne Moore. Einem Airmarshall wird an Bord eines Transatlantikfluges eine Flugzeugentführung in die Schuhe geschoben und er muss rausfinden, wer der Schuldige ist, bevor dieser mehr Leute tötet.
Hätte man ungefähr 2 Sekunden einer Szene im ersten Drittel des Filmes weggelassen, hätte der Film vielleicht bis zum Ende zumindest etwas spannend sein können, so war es jedoch schnell klar wer der Schuldige ist und es plätscherte dann halt so vor sich hin, im Großen und Ganzen vorhersehbar ohne besondere Überraschungen, dafür mit so mancher Logiklücke durch die ein Flugzeug fliegen kann.
Der Film ist nicht schlecht, er ist aber auch nicht wirklich gut. Wenn einem wirklich wirklich langweilig ist und man tatsächlich nichts besseres zur Alternative hat, kann man ihn schon schauen. Ich würde ihn mir allerdings kein zweites Mal ansehen, wenns nicht unbedingt sein muss.
Von mir gibt es für 'Non-Stop' 6 von 10 Blackboxen (Blackboxes? Blackboxeseses?).
Und hier noch der SneakCast vom Cle zum Film
Hätte man ungefähr 2 Sekunden einer Szene im ersten Drittel des Filmes weggelassen, hätte der Film vielleicht bis zum Ende zumindest etwas spannend sein können, so war es jedoch schnell klar wer der Schuldige ist und es plätscherte dann halt so vor sich hin, im Großen und Ganzen vorhersehbar ohne besondere Überraschungen, dafür mit so mancher Logiklücke durch die ein Flugzeug fliegen kann.
Der Film ist nicht schlecht, er ist aber auch nicht wirklich gut. Wenn einem wirklich wirklich langweilig ist und man tatsächlich nichts besseres zur Alternative hat, kann man ihn schon schauen. Ich würde ihn mir allerdings kein zweites Mal ansehen, wenns nicht unbedingt sein muss.
Von mir gibt es für 'Non-Stop' 6 von 10 Blackboxen (Blackboxes? Blackboxeseses?).
Und hier noch der SneakCast vom Cle zum Film
Samstag, 1. März 2014
Why Trust Is Worth It
This is beautiful and amazing in so many ways, it's perfect.
I loved zefrank before, but this new stuff he's doing is SO beautiful and touching. If you like this video, follow him on youtube, there are so much more amazing videos waiting for you!
Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014
Dienstag, 25. Februar 2014
The Mortal Instruments - Cassandra Clare
I just finished reading the fifth book of 'The Mortal Instruments' and here are a few thoughts about them.
'The Mortal Instruments' is a fantasy book-series set in 'our world', but with a few twists. There are so called 'Shadowhunters', humans who have been infused the blood of an angel. They can boost themselves and their abilities by drawing (to be more accurate: burning) angelic runes on their skin. Their purpose is to protect humanity from demons, interdimensional beings which shove into our dimension to 'harvest' human energy and destroy humanity.
There are also the so called 'downworlders': Werewolves and Vampires (humans infected with a demonic disease), Warlocks (immortal offsprings of demons and humans) and Faeries (which have angelic and demonic blood in them). All of them have to answer to the shadowhunters and to follow rules called 'The Accords', protecting the unknowing humans (called 'mundanes'). The 'Mundanes' don't know anything about this shadowworld, Shadowhunters and downworlders alike use magic called 'glamour' to make themselves invisible or normal looking for mundanes.
The story follows 16 year old Clary Fray, a 'normal' teenager whose live suddenly falls apart when she meets three shadowhunters noone but her can see, in a club. Things escalate quickly, her mother disappeares, demons try to kill her and she has to face the bitter truth that apparently her mother lied to her about almost everything in her life...
I read the five books pretty fast, and i like them pretty much. They are easy to read and the story is interesting enough to read on and on. And interesting enough for me to be a little bit pissed that the 6th is published not until may. I also think about buying the 'prequel' series, set up in the same universe, but in victorian times.
But they are not 'great literature' and I don't think it's anything you HAVE to read. It's definitely a young adult novel, the story circles around typical topics for an young adult novel: Who am I? What defines who I am? Who do I want to be? Does he love me? etc.pp.
That's not really bad, but the book doesn't raise big questions like other young adult novels e.g. 'The Hunger Games' or 'The Maze Runner', so it's a quite nice read, but not much more. If you like young adult novels about growing up, discovering and defining who you are and where you belong, finding and losing
love, this is for you. If you demand more message and deeper story from a story, read 'The Hunger Games' or 'The Maze Runner' ;)
Noteworthy things:
- The fae are pretty cool
- There is a homosexual interracial lovestory between a shadowhunter and a warlock and a number of other homosexual relationships.
- The characters are not overly stereotypical, everyone has a 'twist' in their background.
- There is very little 'black' and 'white' in the storyline, although the discription of the world may lead to think there is.
- The angelic runes are an interesting idea
- I like the idea of demons being parasites from another dimension
(Some thoughts about the film: as a book adaption, the film does a very very VERY bad job. The story is completly mutilated, whole parts of the plot are twisted and torn out of context and replaced by parts that don't make sense at all. The casting is not very good (besides Jaces, he looks just like he crawled out of the book) and they changed the end of the book completely! I was flabbergasted after reading the first book, I really don't know how they are thinking to turn this around in the second movie, or whatever they thought by doing something like this. But I'm not sure I want to see the second movie...)
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