Random stuff about books, movies, fandoms, humanism, feminism and a lot of other things...
Montag, 26. Mai 2014
Doctor Who Parody by The Hillywood Show®
This is all I ever wanted in my life... mega-nerdgasm! A Doctor Who and Rocky Horror Picture Show mixup... brilliant!
Samstag, 17. Mai 2014
Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014
Media Representation Matters!
No, not a movie with one great female captain, or one computer genius, one great supporting character, or one awesome pilot, or one leader on a council, or one love interest who gets to be awesome.
Not one or two female characters.
Female dominated.
I want a sci-fi movie where most of the background extras are women.
I want a sci-fi movie where, with absolutely no explanation other than the sheer force of how damn capable and badass and interesting and fantastic they all are, most of main characters are women.
Where more than 50%… Heck, 85% of the main cast is female.
Where the relationships of women drive the narrative, where women talk to each other and work with each other and fight each other and maybe even love each other, but they are affectedby each other’s lives and they matter to each other and as characters in their own right.
I want women who are scientists and pilots and heads of government and mothers to daughters and sisters and doctors and soldiers and every other role you can think of, and they are given interesting motivations and backstories and agency.
I want a movie where no women are dressed in skimpy clothing unless that is their choice and they are completely comfortable with the situation, and the situation serves the narrative in some meaningful way.
I want a movie where there are only two (three, tops) male characters who are given full names.
I mean, sure, we could fit in a few more guys.
Maybe a few background extras, maybe someone who is only referred to as ‘brother’ or ‘father’ or ‘son’ or something, and gets fridged, or a character who runs in, gives a piece of exposition, and then is never heard from again.
I want the men to wind up in a difficult situation and be force to rely on the women to rescue them.
I want very little or no time to be spent developing the backstory of the male characters, except if there is a situation where they can relate better to the female characters by bravely revealing deep emotional pain from their past in order to encourage the character development of the female character
I want the ‘main’ male characters to not ever speak with each other during the duration of the film, and at least one of them be defined primarily in their role as a love interest to a female character.
I want a movie like this, because I am just so very sick to death of it being the other way around."
Source: Dubious Cultural Artifact
Dienstag, 13. Mai 2014
Sneakfilm der Woche: Words & Pictures
Sneakfilm der Woche: 'Words & Pictures', ein Liebesmelodram um einen Literaturlehrer (Clive Owen) und eine Kunstlehrerin (Juliette Binoche), beide ehemals erfolgreiche, nun strauchelnde Künstler, die an ihrer Schule einen 'Krieg' zwischen Worten und Bildern beginnen und austragen.
Ein netter Film mit guten Schauspielern, nur die Synchro ist leider ziemlich holprig, was vor allem in den vielen sehr emotionsgeladenen Szenen des Films stark auffällt. (Und das sag nicht nur ich Synchronazi, sondern auch Leute normalerweise Synchros schauen.)
Es hagelt schöne Zitate großartiger Menschen und gibt einige schöne Bilder zu betrachten.
Alles in allem ein netterFilm der die zwei Stunden Lebenszeit durchaus wert ist, aber auch nichts was man unbedingt gesehen haben muss.
Von mir gibt es 7/10 Wodkaflaschen (vermutlich in OV noch 0,5 Punkte mehr)
Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2014
Conchita Wurst - Rise Like A Phoenix (Austria) 2014 Eurovision Song Contest
The first Austrian song for the Song contest in my lifetime that I like... no, that I love! The song and voice are awesome, and I love her look! (And his too. read more )
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